Water System Details

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County: Fresno
Sys. Category: Complete water system only
Ownership: Private
Ownership Type: Private non-PUC reg
Population: 160
Connections: 21
2010 MHI: 57,784
DAC Classification Source: Calculated

Geography: Foothills
Location: Coalinga

Contact Title: VP Risk Management & Human Resources
Contact: Mike Casey
Alt. Contact:

H2O Sys. Num.: 1009078
Water Source: Assumed GW
Active Wells Count: -1
Wells Issues?: XXXXX
Issues: SWTR Violation - The DPH inspection report dated December 2007 listed deficiencies for the treatment plant. The 125 gpm treatment plant is approximately 30 years old and includes a pretreatment unit, 3 each 42 inch diameter pressure filters, two each 20,

Potential Solutions:

  Water quality sample results for selected constituents. Values shown for water samples collected 2004-2014.
  Raw Water Delivered Water   Raw Water Delivered Water
  Max. Ave. Count Max. Ave. Count   Max. Ave. Count Max. Ave. Count
Arsenic (10 ug/L): 2.20 1.40 3 2.20 1.40 3 Flouride (2 mg/L): 0.18 0.10 3 0.18 0.10 3
DBCP (0.2 ug/L): Perchlorate (6 ug/L): 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 2
Nitrate as NO3 (45 mg/L): 4.00 3.40 3 4.00 3.40 3 TCE (5 ug/L):
PCB (0.5ug/L): THMs (80 ug/L): 77.00 75.00 77.00 75.00
Uranium (20 pC/L):              

WW Sys. Num.:
Treatment: XXXXX
Design Flow (MGD):

Total Enforcement Actns:
Cat.1 Viol:
Cat. 2 Viol:

Total Viol:

Septic Probs?: XXXXX
Sewer Issues:
Potential Solutions: New equipment items including the following are proposed for the treatment plant: A new pressure contact clarifier pretreatment unit, a new 100,000 gallon capacity treated water storage tank, a granular activated carbon (GAC) filter system, an ultraviolet light reactor to disinfect filtered water, two (one duty, one standby) new distribution system booster pumps controlled by variable frequency drives to maintain system pressure, and new filtered water and backwash water totalizing rate of flow meters. The existing hydropneumatic tank and the two storage tanks would be demolished.The contact clarifier will improve the filtered water quality, and the GAC filter system will reduce organics and TTHM precursors. GAC treatment, along with UV disinfection to allow a reduction in the chlorine dose will resolve the TTHM problem, and the TOC removal ratio problem. - Funding is needed to initiate a Planning Study to identify appropriate solutions to resolve the TTHM CO.
Treatment Comm: XXXXX
SelfHelp Comments: