Water System Details

County: Kern
Sys. Category: Complete water system only
Ownership: Private
Ownership Type: Private non-PUC reg
Population: 25
Connections: 16
2010 MHI: 56,771
DAC Classification Source: Calculated

Geography: Mountains
Location: Wofford Heights

Contact Title: President
Contact: Bill Beaupre
Alt. Contact:

H2O Sys. Num.: 1500436
Water Source: GW
Active Wells Count: 2
Wells Issues?: XXXXX
Issues: Arsenic 56ppb in 2003-The system frequently runs short of water and needs to consolidate Hungry Gulch and Boulder Canyon. Both systems have arsenic exceedances and are currently using POU treatment, but they need funding to install a POE system. System ha

Potential Solutions:

  Water quality sample results for selected constituents. Values shown for water samples collected 2004-2014.
  Raw Water Delivered Water   Raw Water Delivered Water
  Max. Ave. Count Max. Ave. Count   Max. Ave. Count Max. Ave. Count
Arsenic (10 ug/L): 190.00 77.33 54 190.00 77.33 54 Flouride (2 mg/L): 0.32 0.25 5 0.32 0.25 5
DBCP (0.2 ug/L): 0.50 0.50 2 0.50 0.50 2 Perchlorate (6 ug/L): 4.00 4.00 5 4.00 4.00 5
Nitrate as NO3 (45 mg/L): 40.00 14.66 25 40.00 14.66 25 TCE (5 ug/L): 0.50 0.50 2 0.50 0.50 2
PCB (0.5ug/L): 5 5 THMs (80 ug/L): 0.50 0.50 5 0.50 0.50 5
Uranium (20 pC/L): 11.00 5.87 5 11.00 5.87 5              

WW Sys. Num.:
Treatment: XXXXX
Design Flow (MGD):

Total Enforcement Actns:
Cat.1 Viol:
Cat. 2 Viol:

Total Viol:

Septic Probs?: XXXXX
Sewer Issues:
Potential Solutions: The proposed project is to construct approximately 1000 feet of 4 inch schedule 80 PVC pipeline connecting the two systems with a booster pump, appropriate appurtenances, and replacement 10,000 gallon storage tank. Line would be along Hungry Gulch Rd and the tank would be on an existing site once the failing tank is removed. Once the connection is made the assuming system, Hungry Gulch, will begin efforts to seek funding to install a treatment system addressing arsenic issues.Boulder Canyon has administratively consolidated with Hungry Gulch and the new system name is Hungry Gulch Mutual Water Company Inc. They are retaining their original water system numbers 1500521 & 1500436 respectively until the physical interconnection line is installed. At that time they will be a single water system and will apply for a single system number with the state.-All groundwater wells will be pumped into a storage tank and then filtered to remove arsenic .
Treatment Comm: XXXXX
SelfHelp Comments: