Water System Details

County: Kern
Sys. Category: Complete water system only
Ownership: Private
Ownership Type: Private non-PUC reg
Population: 240
Connections: 84
2010 MHI: 87,273
DAC Classification Source: Calculated

Geography: Mountains
Location: Tehachapi

Contact Title: Owner
Contact: Paul Burgess
Alt. Contact:

H2O Sys. Num.: 1502670
Water Source: GW
Active Wells Count: 4
Wells Issues?: XXXXX
Issues: The drinking water problem that this project will address is Chemical contaminates (Nitrates & Perchlorates levels) in excess of the mg/Ls and/or trending towards being in excess of the mg/Ls, drawn from 3 well sources. The drinking water sources impacted

Potential Solutions:

  Water quality sample results for selected constituents. Values shown for water samples collected 2004-2014.
  Raw Water Delivered Water   Raw Water Delivered Water
  Max. Ave. Count Max. Ave. Count   Max. Ave. Count Max. Ave. Count
Arsenic (10 ug/L): 2.00 2.00 2 2.00 2.00 2 Flouride (2 mg/L): 0.23 0.22 2 0.23 0.22 2
DBCP (0.2 ug/L): 1.00 0.67 3 1.00 0.67 3 Perchlorate (6 ug/L): 16.00 4.86 56 16.00 4.86 56
Nitrate as NO3 (45 mg/L): 84.20 34.00 76 84.20 34.00 76 TCE (5 ug/L): 0.50 0.50 2 0.50 0.50 2
PCB (0.5ug/L): 2 2 THMs (80 ug/L): 2.10 2.03 2 2.10 2.03 2
Uranium (20 pC/L): 3.10 1.95 2 3.10 1.95 2              

WW Sys. Num.:
Treatment: XXXXX
Design Flow (MGD):

Total Enforcement Actns:
Cat.1 Viol:
Cat. 2 Viol:

Total Viol:

Septic Probs?: XXXXX
Sewer Issues:
Potential Solutions: Install transmission line to consolidate with ENCSD - Fairview Water Company, LLC. Is seeking professional services to make water quality and operational capital improvements in an effort to provide reliable high quality water at competitive prices by providing project management, assessment, evaluation, design, equipment, materials, fabrication, permitting, installation and testing.Scope of Owner’s Engineer Services shall include but not be limited to:• Contracting with an Owner’s Engineering firm on an as-need bases to support Fairview Water Co., LLC. To develop and implement an:o Interconnection Plan: Develop a feasibility study and evaluate a mainline interconnection with local water agencies; Stallion Springs CSD; Bear Valley CSD; Tehachapi Cummings Valley Water Company. If found feasible, scope of work may not be limited to interaction with local and state agencies, entering in negations with the viable water company, perform engineering, acquire necessary permits and easements, procure materials and installation of interconnection o Water Blending Plan: Develop an approved engineering Blending Plan for perchlorates and nitrates. Perform design, procurement and installation of equipment and controls.o Water Storage Plan: Perform water storage needs assessment, design, procurement and installation of additional storage capacity.o Well Refurbishment Plan: Perform an assessment and engineering study to determine the viability of re-drilling Wells #1 and Well #2 to a greater depth in order to tap a point in the aquifer where perchlorates and nitrates are less concentrated and tap higher quality water which could provide water absent of perchlorates or of lower concentrations to meet regulatory requirements and which would aid in blending. Additionally study and assess the viability of reactivating an inactive Fairview Ranches well.o Apply for building and construction permits.o Preparation of request for proposals or specifications.o Preparation of procurement and construction contracts.o Provide design criteria and participate in design review.o Project and construction management.o Perform quality assurance and quality controls.o Negotiating and process change orders.o Respond to contactors and governmental agencies.o Management of warranty issues. - Replace 2 Cla Val. 4" pressure reducing valves. Replace 1 mile of 4" PVC 40 w/ 4" C900. Add 15,000 gal. plus 2 10,000 gal. storage tanks. Add electrical control lines underground. Set up booster pump. Other - study/design/construction - Construction of an emergency intertie with the Stallion Springs CSD (SSCSD) consisting of about 1.5 miles of 8” pipeline, a pressure regulating station( SSCSD to Fairview) and a booster pump station (Fairview to SSCSD).
Treatment Comm: XXXXX
SelfHelp Comments: