Water System Details

Error there is more than one entry for Water System Areas.
(Geography, IRWMP, System Category, MHI2010, and DAC calculation are incorrect in database.)

County: Kern
Sys. Category:
Agency Name: PUD of Frazier Park
Ownership: Public (state, federal, local)
Ownership Type: City, County, State owned
Population: 2348
Connections: 1269
2010 MHI: 0,000
DAC Classification Source: Calculated

Location: Frazier Park

Contact Title: Facility Manager
Contact: Greg Keenberg
Alt. Contact:

H2O Sys. Num.: 1510007
Water Source: GW
Active Wells Count: 6
Wells Issues?: XXXXX
Issues: The Frazier Park Public Utility District's Monte Vista Well is contaminated with Fluorides in excess of the State Maximim Contaminant Level (MCL) of 2 ppm. This well has Fluoride levels of 2.2 ppm. This shallow (165' deep) well is in the floodplain and

Potential Solutions:

  Water quality sample results for selected constituents. Values shown for water samples collected 2004-2014.
  Raw Water Delivered Water   Raw Water Delivered Water
  Max. Ave. Count Max. Ave. Count   Max. Ave. Count Max. Ave. Count
Arsenic (10 ug/L): 2.10 2.01 14 2.10 2.01 14 Flouride (2 mg/L): 2.20 1.32 19 2.20 1.32 19
DBCP (0.2 ug/L): 1.00 0.67 6 1.00 0.67 6 Perchlorate (6 ug/L): 4.00 4.00 18 4.00 4.00 18
Nitrate as NO3 (45 mg/L): 23.00 10.14 28 23.00 10.14 28 TCE (5 ug/L): 0.50 0.50 10 0.50 0.50 10
PCB (0.5ug/L): 12 12 THMs (80 ug/L): 2.00 2.00 12 2.00 2.00 12
Uranium (20 pC/L): 20.00 15.07 12 20.00 15.07 12              

WW Sys. Num.:
Treatment: XXXXX
Design Flow (MGD):

Total Enforcement Actns:
Cat.1 Viol:
Cat. 2 Viol:

Total Viol:

Septic Probs?: XXXXX
Sewer Issues:
Potential Solutions: Replace & upgrade distribution system & tanks-Distribution lines old, small, corroded & leaking, old, leaking storage tanks-The design and construction of a test well/new community well with pumps, storage and pipelines to connect to the existing water system. The new well will provide clean water. The old well will be abandoned. The Frazier Park Public Utility District is the largest water system in the area. There are no nearby water systems to consolidate with.-If the project is funded the district will upgrade of the water system to meet Safe Drinking Water requirements. This project will build a new well to replace well #3, replace undersized and leaking waterlines with 6 and 8 inch waterlines, install hydrants, valves, and telemetry devices and provide additional water system improvements.-REPLACE WATER MAINS WITHIN OUR DISTRICT - REPAIR/REPLACE WATER STORAGE TANKS ADD FIRE HYDRANTS. OTHER - DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION-infrastructure replacement
Treatment Comm: XXXXX
SelfHelp Comments: