Water System Details

Error there is more than one entry for Water System Areas.
(Geography, IRWMP, System Category, MHI2010, and DAC calculation are incorrect in database.)

County: Kern
Sys. Category:
Ownership: Public (state, federal, local)
Ownership Type: City, County, State owned
Population: 1266
Connections: 442
2010 MHI: 0,000
DAC Classification Source: Calculated

Location: Buttonwillow

Contact Title:
Contact: Board of Directors 1510011
Alt. Contact:

H2O Sys. Num.: 1510011
Water Source: GW
Active Wells Count: 3
Wells Issues?: XXXXX
Issues: Arsenic exceeds MCL in well #4 - The Buttonwillow County Water Districts' well #1 has been taken out of service due to high levels of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of 1,100 ppm vs the MCL of 500-1,000-1,500 ppm, Turbidity of 5.0 NTU vs 4.0 NTU, Sulfate of

Potential Solutions: replace treatment plant sewer collection and trunkline

  Water quality sample results for selected constituents. Values shown for water samples collected 2004-2014.
  Raw Water Delivered Water   Raw Water Delivered Water
  Max. Ave. Count Max. Ave. Count   Max. Ave. Count Max. Ave. Count
Arsenic (10 ug/L): 9.50 5.36 12 9.50 5.36 12 Flouride (2 mg/L): 0.28 0.17 7 0.28 0.17 7
DBCP (0.2 ug/L): 0.01 0.01 1 0.01 0.01 1 Perchlorate (6 ug/L): 4.00 4.00 6 4.00 4.00 6
Nitrate as NO3 (45 mg/L): 16.00 6.26 23 16.00 6.26 23 TCE (5 ug/L): 0.50 0.50 1 0.50 0.50 1
PCB (0.5ug/L): 0.20 0.20 5 0.20 0.20 5 THMs (80 ug/L): 7.10 4.95 5 7.10 4.95 5
Uranium (20 pC/L): 6.13 4.35 5 6.13 4.35 5              

WW Sys. Num.: 273131
Treatment: XXXXX
Design Flow (MGD): 0.2

Total Enforcement Actns: 5
Cat.1 Viol: 4
Cat. 2 Viol: 0

Total Viol: 93

Septic Probs?: XXXXX
Sewer Issues: Old failing plant and lines. Groundwater contamination.
Potential Solutions: Transmission line, water blending station & storage - The rural, low-income, farmworker community of Buttonwillow (Median Household Income of $28,370) must replace a community well that is contaminated with Iron, Manganese, TDS and Conductivity above the State and Federal Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) Consolidation is not possible due to the 8 or 10 mile distance to the nearest large water supplier. The most cost effective solution is to drill a new +/- 400 foot deep well with 18 inch casing, a pump, electrical system and connection to the water system. The contaminated well will then be destroyed. The District will need to obtain a new well site for the well. - REPLACE 4" LINES WITH 8" LINES AND LOOP THE SYSTEM. OTHER - DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION - The District proposes to install 1,300 feet of 10 inch water line to supply water from the Districts' clean wells (#2 and #3) to blend with well #4's Arsenic contaminated water at wellsite #4. A blending station and a 0.5 MG storage tank will be installed to store the blended water at wellsite #4. The water will be blended during offpeak hours and stored in the new 0.5 MG bolted steel ground storage tank. Water will be supplied back into the distribution system during peak hours from a new booster pump station, through the new 10 inch main. Blending will allow the District to meet Safe Drinking Water Standards without the expensive operating costs of Arsenic treatment or the high construction costs of drilling a new well.
Treatment Comm: XXXXX
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